Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Moscow.....filled with emotions

My time in Moscow has been filled with many emotions. On a normal day some people can travel with no worries at all and other people worry. I am one that double checks behind her shoulder more then she needs to. I have always leaned more on the safe side. I think things through and sometimes too much & it interferes with my chance to have fun. Through the years I have gained experiences that have made me realize that it is important to live life to the fullest. What's a half lived life? It's nothing at all. I still have to push myself to come out of my safe bubble. This is why I have travelled hundred of miles and find myself sitting in a hotel, in Russia, waiting for a taxi on New Year's Eve, where we will catch a bus to get on the Tran Siberian Railway. Many people have asked me, "why are you in Russia while terriost attacks are happening?" I cannot live in a safe bubble my whole life. Bad things happen in the United States and can even happen in the mall where I work or on my campus where I go to school. Anyone or anything can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. All I can say, hope, and pray for is that god will watch over me and the other girls and will help us through our adventure. We deserve just to have the time of our life. We have talked about this for several years and have been planning for the past year. So what we have done to ensure we are safe was to become extra aware of our surroundings. Plus Moscow has increased security due to the attacks and New Year's Eve. We continue to have the time of our lives and are enjoying the gorgeous views that Moscow has to offer.


  1. Love keeping up with you via your short stories ;) ... Happy New Year!!! When you get back I'm coming to Cali to hear more about all these adventures in person!! Love you!!!!!

  2. Pictures are outstanding!!! Tensions were high here knowing you were navigating through a country in the news. But we knew you would carry on with your adventure! Love you!!

  3. Hi honey... Love reading your blog. Your pictures are fabulous. So beautiful.
    Are the people friendly?
    Have fun. Enjoy every minute cause you might not return.
    Big hugs to Emma. oxoxoxo. Nanny n Papa
